periodontal services  Kaneohe, HI

Periodontal Services

Periodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease as well as the process of replacing teeth with dental implants. Periodontists receive up to three years of additional, specialized training in treating periodontal disease and other conditions.

Periodontists are also specialists in treating oral inflammation and any condition requiring either non-surgical treatment or oral plastic surgery. Oftentimes, periodontists are treating conditions caused by periodontal disease and its effects such as persistent bad breath or gum recession.

Dental Implants  Kaneohe, HI

Dental Implants

We are proud to offer dental implants for our patients. Dental implants are roots placed in your mouth for either permanent teeth to be placed on or ones that you can remove.

Dental implants are done to improve a patient’s smile and usually their self esteem. Having missing or bad teeth can be quite embarrassing. Dental implants also can be done to improve oral health. Many people find it easier to eat with dental implants. Their speech can also be improved. Dental implants are also more comfortable because they are made to become permanent.

When done correctly, and with proper care, dental implants can last a patient’s whole life. It is still important to brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash when you have implants. Patients still need routine dental checkups to keep their implants healthy.

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Gum Grafting  Kaneohe, HI

Gum Grafting

Gum grafting treatment for receding gums works best for patients who are suffering from more extensive gum loss where gum disease cannot be resolved by a professional cleaning alone. This procedure can help repair the damaged area of the gums and work to prevent further gum tissue loss. In addition to stopping recession, gum graft treatment will better protect the roots of the teeth from decay by giving the patient more gum line, and reduce tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods.

There are three types of gum grafts: connective-tissue grafts, free gingival grafts, and pedicle grafts. Connective-tissue grafts are most commonly used because the procedure involves taking a flap of healthy tissue from the roof of your mouth then stitching it over the precise area suffering from an exposed root and gum recession. Free gingival grafts involve the same process as connective-tissue grafts except that the tissue is specifically taken from the palate of the mouth. Lastly, pedicle grafts use the tissue next to the affected tooth in need of repair.

During a gum graft procedure, the patient doesn’t feel a thing as we use a local anesthetic to keep them pain-free. After the operation, the patient may experience some soreness and slight discomfort, which can be effectively treated with a combination of rest, cold compresses, and, if needed, prescription medication. With proper care, the gum graft will protect the previously exposed root and serve as a healthier gum line, restoring your smile and confidence.

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